My mini pantry 

It’s been nearly 6 weeks since we left home and were still not back. The only thing I’ve been unable to live without during all this is my kitchen and my well stocked pantry.  I couldn’t bring my kitchen with me and it soon become apparent that I needed something to make us feel more…

My Essential Kitchen Tools

While we’re not living at home I have the perfect opportunity to clear out our kitchen and take stock of what we have, what we need and what has been sitting there for years unused. Using someone else’s kitchen has also highlighted what tools are essential for me as I don’t necessarily have access to…

Magic Cashew Sauce

Serves… well depends on how much sauce you like. I like a lot. Ingredients ½ cup of Raw Cashews ½ cup of Non Dairy Milk 1.5 tsp Soy Sauce 1 tsp of Lemon Juice 2tbsp of Nooch Method 1. Put it all in a blender and blend until smooth. Depending on how thick/thin you want…

Building Recipes

Get yourself a solid basic recipe and you open yourself up to so many different dishes. For example, the first thing my friend wants to learn how to cook is a creamy mushroom pasta sauce. Simple. But instead of teaching her how to do that one dish I’m going to aproach it from a slightly…

Meal Planning

Now you’ve got the ingredients how do you start using them? Whenever I have lots to think about and plan (which let’s face it planning meals for a week can be a little overwhelming) I make a list and write things down. If your new to cooking your own food from scratch a meal planner…

How I stock my vegan kitchen

I have a lot of stuff in my kitchen cupboards but when I really think about it everything I cook boils down to the same few essentials. I’ve made a shopping list for these essentials so that anyone learning how to cook vegan has somewhere to start. It can be downloaded for free here. So…

Learning to cook vegan

I’ve made a lovely new friend here in Edinburgh and she wants to learn how to cook. Cooking is one of my many passions and a huge obsession for me so I’m more than happy to help someone learn and I’m excited to see food through a fresh pair of eyes… but where to start?…